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SKU: 261-5020

Ferris® File-A-Wax® Slices

$20.80 CAD

Box Weight

File-A-Wax Slices are packaged in 1/2 lb. and 1 lbs. assorted thicknesses:

  • 1/2 lb. box contains slices from 1/8" to 1/4" thick and 3-5/8"L x 1-1/2"W.
  • 1 lb. box contains slices from 3/16" to 1" thick and measure 3-5/8"L x 1-1/2"W.

3 colour-coded hardness grades.

Green: A very hard wax, it can’t be flexed. Ideal for sharp edges and for intricate carvings and delicate engraving.

Purple: General purpose, hard with some flexibility.

Blue: Less hard and more flexible than green or purple. Good for rounded surfaces and less intricate designs.

Colour: Blue Purple Green
Melting Point (°F): 240 240 243
Ash Content: 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%
Flash Point (°F): 585 585 585
Flexibility: Excellent Good Fair
Hand Carvability: Good Excellent Fair
High-Speed CNC: Poor Fair Good